Doctor Reverend Martin Luther King fought for justice and for equality. He went to great lengths to fight for justice and liberty for all Americans. While we still have ways to go, we all have the power and responsibility to carry on MLK's work. At Mercy Home, we strive daily to ensure that our residents are seen, respected, and advocated for.
In past years, Martin Luther King Day has traditionally been a volunteer day of service at Mercy Home. Due to the surge in COVID-19 cases, that is sadly not possible this year. As we reflect on the wonderful years behind us, we also have the responsibility to look at the future and decide how we can create change, no matter how challenging times may be.
As an organization, Mercy Home has taken some time to reflect on what MLK Day means to us and how we can use his teachings in everyday life to better ourselves and the future of our society. Our new director of human resources, Arthur Holly, credits MLK with this impactful meaning on his own life: “He is a symbol of courage, bravery, honor, and faith. His work and actions have enabled me to pursue my dreams beyond my imagination”.
A man as revolutionary, brilliant, resilient, kind, and powerful as Doctor Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. deserves to be honored and represented in all our lives, daily. Although we may not be able to physically take part in a day of service today, let us remember and be inspired to constantly serve our fellow man at any capacity we are able. Let us strive to live a life of service for one another, so that others may live out their dreams in ways they too could not imagine. In memory of the great MLK, let us serve one another with love and light.
To reflect on the meaning of this day and reminisce on past days of service in honor of MLK, please find the links below.